Last week Turnout and his mom and dad traveled to upstate New York to compete for his advanced tracking title with the Schutzhund Club of Buffalo. We are ecstatic to announce they passed with a 97 out of 100 points!!! Almost a perfect score in the rain! Dominic and Turnout never ceases to amaze me with what they achieve. Of course, momma Annie takes care of all the behind the scenes stuff. ;)
We would like to thank the Schutzhund Club of Buffalo for the event and welcoming a Cane Corso to their field!
What is IGP FH?
The IGP FH title is basically the fourth level of tracking. The first three levels are entry level tracking titles of the IGP sport comparable to the IGP 1, 2 or 3 but tracking phase only. Make no mistake, there is nothing entry level about this.
This was Dominic and Turnout's first attempt at the advanced level tracking.
"Including the FH, FH 2 and IGP FH. FH tracks are 1200 paces (FH1) to 1800 paces (FH2), have cross-tracks laid by an additional tracklayer, are three hours or more old, and also have more articles that the dog must indicate. For the IGP FH, the dog must pass two FH2 tracks on subsequent days. These advanced tracks truly evaluate the heart, determination and training of the dogs."(as described by Michelle Kutelis)
IGP stands for Internationale Gebrauchshund Pruefung, which means International Working Dog Test in English.
We hope to be able to share more amazing news about Turnout soon!